Posted on November 10, 2012


day ten:

i am thankful for the gift of party planning enduring friendship.  b/c of three very special & amazing women, this was the aftermath of my saturday…

holy, gifts galore, batman. and there’s more that couldn’t fit in the photo!!

to three of my most favorite girls in the world: 

michelle, angie & leslie –

thank you for being amazing friends.  thank you for loving me enough to endure the anxiety that comes along with planning a huge, pink & sparkly party.  thank you for volunteering to celebrate babyA.  thank you for decorating, cooking, crafting, organizing and just plain everything that turned into the most amazing & beautiful baby shower i have ever seen.  thank you three for everything!!

and to all the lovelies (and gents) that attended:  thank you for filling babyA’s room with more than ever necessary.  and thank you for sharing our special day.