Posted on November 9, 2012


day nine:

i am thankful for my husband, who will officially celebrate one WHOLE year with me tomorrow, november 10th. 

it’s rare to meet someone and fall in love with them instantly, but that’s just what happened to us.  and while it may have taken a little while for us to be put into the position of seeing each other as anything more than a friend of a friend, it took no time at all for us to realize that we wanted forever.  together.  with each other.  i am grateful to B for giving me the gift of patience, support, happiness and  plain ‘ol love.  i’ve never felt so loved and i’ve never loved so much.  i now know what a man is supposed to provide for a woman and what a woman is supposed to provide for a man. 

we don’t have to be together, but we want to be together.  with each other.  forever.