Posted on June 3, 2008


at one point, not too terribly long ago, i was terrified that silly monkey would NEVER talk.  he had said a few words pretty early on and had forgotten them (or refused to say them) within months.  and since i’m paranoid mom, i researched the heck out of sensory disorders and was convinced something was wrong with him.  and then he started talking… and talking… and talking…

he’s a well mannered boy.  he always says “thank you”, “you’re welcome”, “bless you” and “please”.  these are things i’ve tried to teach him since he was blabbering on about blabbering.  as of recent, he’s been picking up some not so great words/phrases like:  “hands off”, “put it back” and “stop it” (most of which end with a very firm “right now”), which most certainly come from me b/c i  tend to tell him things firmly and often just to make sure he gets the point (“silly monkey, do not climb on dexter’s cage, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!”).  BUT it’s words like “CRYBABY”, “SHUT UP”, “GIMMEE”, and “GO AWAY” that he is NOT learning at home, or at least my home.  i know where he’s learning them and i’m not happy about it.  apparently, in some households, it’s OK to talk to your children in any manner you would talk to a dog.

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